
Einsteiger Du hast vor Kurzem mit der Meerwasseraquaristik begonnen oder befindest Dich noch in der Planung? Dann findest du hier wichtige Tipps, die Dir den Einstieg in das wundervolle Hobby erleichtern. Viel Spaß mit Deinem ersten Meerwasseraquarium - Du wirst es nicht bereuen ;)
How to grow phytoplankton

How to grow phytoplankton

Grow your own phytoplankton at home? It's possible! With our tips, nothing stands in the way of cultivation.... 
Reef tank hobby on a budget? This is how it works!

Reef tank hobby on a budget? This is how it works!

The expense of a reef aquarium scares many away from the hobby. It is mainly the initial costs that are the major... 
The Top 9 Biggest Reef Tank Myths

The Top 9 Biggest Reef Tank Myths

There are still so many myths about reef tanks floating around - we are here to share light on some of them. You... 
Tridacna – how to keep and care for giant clams in reef tanks

Tridacna – how to keep and care for giant clams in reef tanks

Tridacna clams can live to be 30 years and older. To make sure they reach this lifespan in your aquarium, we have a... 
How to adjust the flow in a reef tank

How to adjust the flow in a reef tank

Did you know? The flow is at least as important as lighting in coral care.  The flow is one of the most... 
LPS-Korallen für Einsteiger

LPS-Korallen für Einsteiger

LPS-Korallen eignen sich hervorragend für den Einstieg in die Haltung tropischer Steinkorallen. LPS-Korallen... 
SPS-Corals for beginner

SPS-Corals for beginner

SPS corals (SPS = Small Polyp Stony Corals) are very popular in marine aquariums, but are somewhat more demanding to... 
Reef tank advisor - tips before buying

Reef tank advisor - tips before buying

Du hast dich entschlossen ein Stück traumhafte Unterwasser-Landschaft nach Hause zu holen? Eine super... 