Effect of carotenoids
Carotenoids play an important role as pigments in the coloring of fish and crustaceans, and they are also a powerful antioxidant and thus protect against harmful radicals and cell damage. In addition, carotenoids increase the spawning readiness and fertility of fish, improve growth, increase resistance to disease and stress, and ensure an improved immune system - a true miracle cure.
Occurrence of carotenoids
Carotenoids can be produced synthetically (e.g. β-carotene), but they also occur widely naturally. They can be found in, among other things:
- Crustaceans (especially Antarctic krill, but also brine shrimp)
- Microalgae such as spirulina
- Macroalgae such as nori
- Fish and crab roe
- Plant extracts (e.g. marigold)
Make sure to regularly include carotenoids in the diet of your saltwater fish in the form of dry, frozen or live food. Your fish will thank you!
By the way: Dry food containing carotenoids (often listed as astaxanthin in the ingredients list) must be stored in a cool, dark and dry place, as this significantly extends its shelf life.