Red algae are eagerly consumed by surgeon fish and the like and are an important part of the diet of algae-eating animals. Fast-growing green algae like Caulerpa or Chaetomorpha fulfill a crucial filter function, since they remove nutrients from the water for their growth and thus maintain the water quality in the aquarium. Also for species tanks, e.g. in the keeping of seahorses, macroalgae offer a lot of protection and opportunities to hold on. Mangroves can be used for decoration above the water surface. This creates the perfect impression of a tropical lagoon pool in the living room.
Buying macro algae online - our tip:
If algae stop growing after initially high growth rates, this could possibly be due to a lack of important trace elements. The regular addition of iron and manganese can help here. However, you should only use commercially available trace element solutions and follow the manufacturer's dosage instructions.
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