SPS stands for Small Polyp Stony Corals. If you are looking for the typical branching coral and other colorful representatives for the top of your reef, then you will find it here!
SPS corals are the non-plus ultra in saltwater aquaria. SPS means Small Polyp Stony Corals. You can easily recognize this group of corals by their polyps, which are only a few millimeters in size. SPS corals are very demanding regarding the care requirements. They love strong waterflow and high lighting as well as low nutrient concentrations. Although small-polyped stony corals are therefore rather for experienced reef hobbyists, there are still a number of species that are also suitable for beginners.
Buying SPS corals - our tip:
If you have only recently set up your saltwater aquarium, you should give the system enough time to stabilize before introducing sensitive SPS corals. If you want to buy your first SPS corals, opt for more robust species such as Seriatopora or Stylophora first.
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