About the courage to build a minimalistic reefscape

The Nyos Opus by Tobias Gawrisch aka AquaOwner

At the beginning, the aquarium was criticized on social media due to its sparse design with reef rock. But we'll show you here why less is more when it comes to scaping a reef tank and how wonderfully filled an aquarium like this can look after 2 years.

Small but mighty!

The Pico Reef Casa by Danny's Aquariums

With a capacity of just 22.5 litres, designing this tank is a particular challenge. Danny has managed to transform it into a flourishing coral garden.

Discover the diversity and beauty of Zoanthus corals and create your own colorful sea garden!

Zoanthus Garden

Bring your aquarium to life with a colorful Zoanthus garden. These vibrant corals offer a spectacular display of color and fascinating texture that will transform any aquarium into a true underwater paradise. Ideal for beginners and experienced aquarists alike, Zoanthus are easy to care for while still providing an impressive visual impact.

For busy people

The Low-Maintenance Tank

You have little time but still don't want to live without a saltwater aquarium?

No problem! We will show you how to create a low-maintenance tank can look like.