Encrusting anemones (also known as Zoanthids or Zoas for short) have been very popular for some time now. This is mainly due to the incredible fluorescent colors that these animals develop under blue light. Zoanthids do not make too high demands on care requirements. They are therefore a perfect coral choice for nano reef tanks. Zoas like slightly elevated phosphate and nitrate concentrations. A regular addition of amino acids will let Zoanthids thrive in your reef aquarium. Color up your tank and get some nice fluorescent Zoanthus frags!
Buying Zoanthids - our tip:
Some Zoanthids contain a poison called palytoxin. Therefore you should generally be careful when handling them. During normal routine in the saltwater tank there is usually no danger. However, if you should try to frag Zoanthids or remove them from rocks in the aquarium, always use gloves, breathing protection and glasses for your own safety.
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