Tropic Marin Nitribiotic

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Nitribiotic contains a mixture of different bacterial cultures that have a positive effect on the microbiology, stability and health of your reef tank.
Starter bacteria - bacteria for starting up a saltwater aquarium
The use of a bacterial preparation is particularly useful for a quick start and/or when using artificial rock. So-called starter bacteria accelerate the running-in phase by converting ammonia, which is toxic to fish, via nitrite to non-toxic nitrate. Nitrifying bacteria such as Nitrobacter play a key role in the nitrogen cycle. In addition, the bacteria colonize free surfaces such as artificial rock, sand or panes right from the start, thus preventing unwanted microbial plagues.
Bacteria against Cyanos
Bacteria are a wonderful remedy for cyano deposits in the aquarium. Ideally, in conjunction with other measures (vacuuming off deposits, optimizing nutrient levels, etc.), "good" bacteria can quickly push back the cyano population and take its place. Phototrophic purple bacteria, which feed on light like cyanobacteria, are particularly strong competitors.
Bacteria as probiotics
True to the motto: prevention is better than cure, bacteria can be used prophylactically to ensure fish health. The natural microflora is weakened, especially after transport or after drug treatment, so probiotics such as Saccharomyces or Bacillus subtilis strengthen the immune system.
Adding bacteria to seawater - tips for use
Bacteria can be used immediately during the running-in phase. To ensure sufficient reproduction, we recommend using them in combination with a carbon nutrient preparation such as Tropic Marin Plus-NP. In this case, add the amount at the beginning of the lighting phase. To specifically inoculate the filter material, the bacteria solution can also be added directly to the filter material.
As a general rule, switch off the skimmer, UV and ozone filters for 3-4 hours immediately before dosing. Otherwise, the bacteria will be removed from the system straight away.
In the case of a localized carpet of cyanobacteria on the substrate, you can use a syringe to apply the solution to the affected areas. In this case, you should avoid adding additional carbon, as this would also encourage the growth of cyanobacteria.
Tropic Marin Nitribiotic – what’s in it?
Bacillus subtilis, Nitrobacter, Saccharomyces, Lactobacillus, purple bacteria