Tropic Marin NP-Bacto-Pellets

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Tropic Marin NP-Bacto pellets are made of biopolymers and can be used as a medium in a fluidized bed filter. The polymers promote the settlement of bacteria, which absorb increased amounts of phosphate and nitrate from the aquarium water for their growth.
Pellet filter vs. vodka method
Some heterotrophic bacteria species absorb nitrate and phosphate from the environment to synthesize biomass. However, in addition to a nitrogen and phosphorus source, they also need a carbon source. This connection is used in the vodka method or when operating a pellet filter.
Unlike the vodka method, where the carbon is added in liquid form, the so-called bacterial pellets contain carbon in solid form. The pellets consist mainly of carbon polymers, which can be gradually broken down by the heterotrophic bacteria. The bacteria therefore only receive the amount of carbon that they actually need for their growth. Operating a pellet filter is less labor-intensive, safer and easier to dose than the vodka method.
Instructions for use NP-Bacto-Pellets
Before use, pour boiling water over the pellets to force the air out of the pellets. If the nutrient levels are high, the outlet of the fluidized bed filter should be near the intake port of the skimmer pump. This effectively removes the resulting bacterial biomass (including the absorbed nitrates and phosphates) from the system. Note that it takes a certain amount of time until the pellet filter is sufficiently populated with bacteria. A solid supply of trace elements creates the best conditions for this.
NP-Bacto pellets are well suited if you want to reduce your nutrients slowly. If you have an acute nutrient problem, other products such as NP-Bacto-Balance or Elimi-NP are more suitable. However, these products can also be used in combination.