Tropic Marin Reef Actif

More Information
Reef Actif contains marine biopolymers of natural origin. It binds nutrients and turbidity from the water column and supplies them to symbiotic bacteria from corals and other filter feeders.
How biopolymers work
Biopolymers are long-chain molecules that are able to bind other substances, such as nutrients, pollutants or turbidity. These substances are only released again after the biopolymers have been broken down. Since the polymers can be used almost exclusively by symbiotic bacteria in corals, sponges and other filter feeders, the nutrients end up exactly where they are needed via this detour.
Reef Actif - Tips for use
Reef Actif is ideal for aquariums with increased nutrient levels. We advise against using it in aquariums that are already nutrient-limited. Start dosing Reef Actif gradually: start the first week with 1/3 of the recommended dosage, increase to 2/3 in week 2 and continue to dose normally from week 3. Tropic Marin recommends a weekly dosage of 1 to a maximum of 3 measuring spoons per 500 liters of aquarium water. We use Reef Actif in our system and have had good experience with dividing the weekly ration into daily doses. To do this, you can simply prepare the Reef Actif as a solution in salt water in a cup and store it in the refrigerator for about a week.
Tropic Marin Reef Actif – what’s in it?
Marine biopolymers from algae and plants. Measuring spoon included.