Frag Pack - Zoa Lovers

We generally show the coral frags under different
light settings:
- Top view blue light - 20,000 K
- Top view daylight - 12,000 K
- Reef tank shots with orange filter (= filter shot) of the individual animals in the pack
When taking a filter shot, we deliberately choose not to use too much blue light in order to display the colors as naturally as possible and as one would perceive them without filter glasses. Please note that deviations can still occur due to certain display and lighting settings and subjective perception.
In terms of size, you can use the light grid plate to help you: one square is 1.6 x 1.6 cm. Our frag plugs measure 2 or 3 cm in diameter.
Colorful collection of beautiful Zoanthids. The package includes 4 frags of the Zoanthus 'Green Galaxy', Zoanthus 'Sonic Flare', Zoanthus 'Johnny Pumpkin' and Zoanthus 'Miami Vice'. You will save 25 % compared to a single purchase.
Zoanthus - encrusting anemones
Zoanthus colonies consist of a large number of small polyps. They grow flat and can gradually cover rocks and soil like crusts. The range of colors and patterns within the Zoanthus is virtually endless - something that makes the hearts of many saltwater aquarists beat faster. When naming them, it is common in aquaria to resort to elaborate names such as "watermelon". There is still uncertainty about a scientifically correct species identification.
Zoanthus are grateful pets in the saltwater aquarium
Zoanthus have few requirements and can adapt to a wide range of lighting intensities. Nevertheless, slowly get your Zoanthus used to intense light, as lighting that is too low is always better tolerated than lighting that is too high. However, very colorful species show their best colors and growth under strong lighting. The flow should not be too weak so that no deposits can form on the Zoanthus .
How do I place Zoanthus in the aquarium?
We deliver the encrusting anemone to you attached to a spawning stone. You can either fix this stone in your reef structure or you can glue it to the desired position using coral glue or superglue. The spawning stones have a small stem that you can simply cut off with pliers if it gets in the way.