Pajama Cardinalfish

Sphaeramia nematoptera - a marine fish for aquariums from 200 liters
Pajama cardinalfish can be well cared for in aquariums of 200 liters or more. A structured reef structure with numerous hiding places is ideal for the animals. Cardinalfish are active at dusk and are mainly present in the aquarium during the evening hours. The animals should also be fed during this time. The cardinalfish is not picky and prefers to eat small to medium-sized frozen foods.
Pyjama cardinalfish are mouthbrooders
If you keep a pair of Pajama cardinalfish, sooner or later you will see the male stop eating and his mouth grows bigger and bigger. The reason: Sphaeramia nematoptera is a mouthbrooder and carries the fry in its throat until they hatch.
The socialization of Sphaeramia nematoptera
We recommend keeping them in pairs or, if the aquarium is 250 liters or larger, in groups. Pairs that form in a group should always have enough places to retreat. Otherwise, the pyjama cardinalfish get along very well with other fish and leave invertebrates alone. In general, keeping them with less territorial species is recommended.