Stylophora pistillata 'Bug Out'

We generally show the coral frags under different
light settings:
- Top view blue light - 20,000 K
- Top view daylight - 12,000 K
- Reef tank shot without filter
- Reef tank shot with orange filter (= filter shot)
- Variation of frags
- optional: picture of the broodstock
When taking a filter shot, we deliberately choose not to use too much blue light in order to display the colors as naturally as possible and as one would perceive them without filter glasses. Please note that deviations can still occur due to certain display and lighting settings and subjective perception.
In terms of size, you can use the light grid plate to help you: one square is 1.6 x 1.6 cm. Our frag plugs measure 2 or 3 cm in diameter.
Stylophora -stony corals
SPS corals of this genus are easily recognizable by their stocky growth form and strong, usually short branches. Among the generally more demanding SPS corals, they are among the easier candidates to care for.
Stylophora pistillata requires a strong current
In the coral reef, Stylophora colonies are mainly seen in the upper part of the outer reefs. There they are regularly exposed to strong currents and violent waves. The massive growth form and the formation of a very dense calcareous skeleton are an adaptation to these conditions. Therefore, position your Stylophora coral in a place in the aquarium that is exposed to currents.