Live Rock

Live rock is basically characterized by the existence of a bacterial film on the rock, which is active in seawater and breaks down nutrients. While "real live rock" is taken from natural coral reefs, "cultivated live rock" is originally dry rock that has been in natural seawater for a certain period of time and is colonized with bacteria and other organisms during this time. There is also the "artificial live rock". These are natural stones (e.g. fossil reef rock made of aragonite) that are mined on land and then covered with a bacterial film. From an ecological point of view, live rock from aquaculture and artificial live rock are the best choice for your reef aquarium!


Buying live rock online - our tip:

Creativity is required when building reefscapes! In many aquariums there are isolated rock pillars, far-reaching reef branches or living rock stacked into arches. With a little skill it is even possible to construct a so-called "floating reef". In any case, try out different variants before you mortar your personal favorite structure. Photos and markings of the stones help with the reconstruction.

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Live rock is basically characterized by the existence of a bacterial film on the rock, which is active in seawater and breaks down nutrients. While "real live rock" is taken from natural coral reefs, "cultivated live rock" is originally dry rock that has been in natural seawater for a certain period of time and is colonized with bacteria and other organisms during this time. There is also the "artificial live rock". These are natural stones (e.g. fossil reef rock made of aragonite) that are mined on land and then covered with a bacterial film. From an ecological point of view, live rock from aquaculture and artificial live rock are the best choice for your reef aquarium!


Buying live rock online - our tip:

Creativity is required when building reefscapes! In many aquariums there are isolated rock pillars, far-reaching reef branches or living rock stacked into arches. With a little skill it is even possible to construct a so-called "floating reef". In any case, try out different variants before you mortar your personal favorite structure. Photos and markings of the stones help with the reconstruction.